Attendance:. Jeff A, Mellll, Mike N, Mark H
First week inside this fall. We are masked, and taking attendance per rules of the First Congregational Church.
We had a small talk about if Madfest should be held. More people should share their thoughts. But some of the points and questions mentioned were:
* Barrymore wants a show
* Barrymore requires vaccination for entry
* Barrymore's current events are only about half full.
* We do not even have a start on collecting acts for a show
* Could we get acts at this point to make a worth while show?
* We haven't done any looking for space, would we even be able to get somewhere
* MCS may be available, but we would have to cap attendance at about 75 due to space limits
* Are there enough people that would want to put the effort needed to run the fest?
* What covid protocols would be needed?(depends on county and location at the time)
* Is postponing till spring an option to be able to be outside.
A bunch of questions, without solid answers. Maybe we should have a bigger chat, or maybe a questionnaire to gauge opinions of the larger group.
A lot of valid points made here. I hope there is a fest; but understand the issues.